Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) has announced that passengers will be able to buy single journey e-QR tickets for an exclusive fare of Rs. 5 on December 17, 2023 via Paytm, PhonePe and WhatsApp. The decision has been taken in connection with the heavy rainfall prediction from the Regional Meteorological Centre, Chennai.
Informing about the decision, Chennai Metro Rail Limited said in a release, “In connection with the heavy rainfall prediction from the Regional Metrological Centre, Chennai. To ensure more passengers benefit from the Chennai Metro Rail Foundation Day offer of Rs. 5, the offer will be available on December 3, 2023 and on December 17, 2023 (Sunday) as well.”
Prioritising the safety of the passengers, it further added that, “With the heavy rains expected, we believe that extending the offer is the best course of action to ensure everyone’s safety.”
Notably, the offer was also live on December 3, to commemorate the foundation day of CMRL and promote digital ticketing solutions.
Here is how passengers will be able to book tickets on Paytm
- Users will have to login to the Paytm app
- Look for the ‘Ticket Booking’ section and click on Metro
- Choose ‘Metro QR Ticket’
- Enter the destination ‘from’ and ‘to’
- Select the number of people and click on ‘Proceed to Pay’ to get a Chennai metro ticket.