In a significant move that underscores the government's commitment to accountability and efficiency, Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman headed a...
In the air of Digital India, the currency is now digital too! India has stepped into the digital currency arena...
We all know that understanding money matters is essential for a secure financial future. Many marginalised communities in India miss...
Microfinance - a term that perhaps sounds too technical or out of reach for many, but in reality, it is...
In the fiercely contested business world, the emphasis on employee welfare has become a crucial differentiator in recruiting and retaining...
In a country as diverse and vast as India, where the boundaries of progress are constantly expanding, one innovation stands...
The business correspondent model is a financial inclusion initiative in which banks use the services of intermediaries, such as NGOs,...
The world that we live in today has risen from the patriarchal beliefs of the archaic period to give a...
If there is one thing that unites all salaried employees — irrespective of place, nationality, profession or career progression —...
If you are overwhelmed by the idea of creating a budget, you are not alone. When it comes to money,...